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Chewing GUm Word Search Puzzle

Chewing Gum Word Search | Printable Puzzle
The Chewing Gum word search puzzle is a fun look at what humans do with gum. Many individuals really love gum. A substance that you can chew – without it breaking down – that gives your jaw a workout. As you might know, gum comes in all sorts of flavor varieties and colors. The first time bubble gum was commerically made it came in a pink color and the rest of gum history is just as amazing. Today, with all the different types of gum to try, the simple pink gum is still the most popular ever!
One cool thing is getting your own bubble gum machine. Doubling as a piggy bank, the machine can offer up a piece of gum when you put in a coil and twist the handle. It’s a cool way to save money and get a treat for doing it!
This Chewing Gum word search puzzle word list includes the following words: BALL, BIG, BUBBLE, CHEW, COLOR, CRYSTALS, CUBE, FLAT, FLAVOR, JAW, MOUTH, PINK, POP, SLAP, SMELL, SMOOTH, STICK, SUGAR, SWEET, TASTE, TEXTURE, THICK, TWIST and WAD
The food word search puzzle difficulty: Easy to Moderate. This printable puzzle worksheet is a PDF. Ready! Set! Play!