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Fall Foliage Word Search Puzzle

Fall Foliage Word Search Printable Puzzle
The Fall Foliage word search puzzle is a fun look at the colors of autumn. From the beauty of the sea of leaves to the first walk of Fall, this is a special time of the year. It’s also a chance to enjoy harvest as the colors of the turning trees fill the sky as far as you can see. While we know leaves start green, the colors change as the leaf dies. It’s the natural signal that Winter is soon to follow so grab a coat!
This Fall Foliage word search puzzle word list includes the following words: AUTUMN, BUSH, CHANGE, COLD, COLORS, DRIVES, ENJOY, LANDSCAPE, LEAVES, MAPS, OBSERVE, ORANGE, SEASON, SPOT, TREES, VIBRANT, WALK, and WEEDS
The Fall word search puzzle difficulty: Easy to Moderate. This printable puzzle worksheet is a PDF. Ready! Set! Play!