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Pie Word Search Puzzle

Pie Word Search Printable Puzzle
The Pie word search puzzle might have you thinking about delicious pie. Be it a big piece of cherry pie or a traditional slice of pumpkin pie, the opportunity to try a number of pie flavors is endless and yummy to boot. There are so many pies to consider that this should be it’s own food group (but it’s not quite yet!!) How much pie trivia do you know? Enjoy the puzzle!
This Pie word search puzzle word list includes the following words: APPLE, BAKE, BEAN, BERRY, BROWN, CHERRY, CRUST, DESSERT, FILL, FLAVOR, FRUIT, LEMON, PEACH, PECAN, POT, POTATO, RICH, SLICE, SUGAR, SWEET, and TEXTURE
The Pie flavors word search puzzle difficulty: Easy to Moderate. This printable puzzle worksheet is a PDF. Ready! Set! Play!