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Bus ride Word Search Puzzle

Bus Ride Word Search Printable Puzzle
The Bus Ride word search puzzle is a look at a form of transportation that moves many people in a short amount of time. From public buses to a bus that travels across the country with teams, this big vehicle is perfect for getting safely to your destination.
The important thing to know about riding a bus is keeping safe at all times. If you are taking books and other items on board, keep an eye on your stuff and don’t forget to take it with you. Most importantly, step away from the curb when a bus approaches so you can board without issue.
This Bus Ride word search puzzle word list includes the following words: AISLE, CHANGE, CHEAP, COACH, CORD, DOOR, DRIVER, EXIT, FARE, MONTH, NOISY, PASS, SCHOOL, SEAT, SENIOR, SIGN, STAND, STOP, TOKEN, TRANSFER, and WINDOWS
The transportation word search puzzle difficulty: Easy to Moderate. This printable puzzle worksheet is a PDF. Ready! Set! Play!