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City Traffic Word Search Puzzle

City Traffic Word Search Printable Puzzle
The City Traffic word search puzzle will have your pencil zipping around the word list. This is a fun puzzle, without the headaches of real traffic as you search for words relating to the daily concerns of so many cars. Who says city traffic is easy? There are some ways you can beat the traffic if you follow tips about traffic flow in your community. And then again, you might end up just sitting in traffic and waiting until you can move again. It’s really the luck of the roads.
This City Traffic word search puzzle word list includes the following 22 words: ARROW, AVENUE, BIKE, BLINKER, BRIDGE, BUS, CARS, CORNER, HORN, JAM, KIDS, LANE, LAWS, LIGHT, NOISE, PARKS, PERSON, POLICE, ROUTE, RULES, RUSH, SIGNS, TAXI, TRUCKS, and TUNNELS
The transportation word search puzzle difficulty: Easy to Moderate. This printable puzzle worksheet is a PDF. Ready! Set! Play!