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Elephants Word Search Puzzle

Elephants Word Search Printable Puzzle
The elephants word search puzzle is a fun look at a very special animal: Elephants. If you have seen these amazing creatures in person (or even just on video) the tremendous strength and life of these animals will make you feel amazed. The big tusks, huge trunk and even the size of their feet are a look at a very unique animal. An elephant can grow up to 13 feet and weigh thousands of pounds. That size is bigger than a medium size car and definitely weighs more than a pickup truck.
This elephants word search puzzle word list includes the following words: AFRICAN, ANIMALS, BULL, CALF, CIRCUS, COW, FOREST, GRAY, HAIR, HERD, LAND, LARGE, RESERVE, TAIL, TRUNK, TUSK, and WATER
The animal word search puzzle difficulty: Easy to Moderate. This printable puzzle worksheet is a PDF. Ready! Set! Play!