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Pumpkin Word Search Puzzle

Pumpkin Word Search Printable Puzzle
The Pumpkin word search puzzle is a peek at this amazing autumn favorite. Did you know that a pumpkin is actually classified as a berry and ultimately considered a fruit. Whether you love pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving or you look forward to carving a pumpkin on Halloween, this is one favorite part of our lives!
This Pumpkin word search puzzle word list includes the following 24 words: AUTUMN, CANNED, CARVE, FARM, FLOWER, HARVEST, LEAF, ORANGE, PICK, PIE, PULP, RIB, RIND, SEEDS, SHELL, SKIN, SPICE, STEM, STRANDS, TENDRIL, VINES, WEIGHT, WHITE, and YELLOW
The Pumpkins word search puzzle difficulty: Easy to Moderate. This printable puzzle worksheet is a PDF. Ready! Set! Play!