Crossword puzzle facts

Ready for Crossword Puzzle Facts?

It’s Time for Crossword Puzzle Facts! Do you love crossword puzzles? You aren’t alone!!!

Crosswords aren’t just for seniors anymore. Contrary to popular belief, crossword puzzles are enjoyed by people of all ages. In fact, according to the Pew Research Center, over 50% of American adults aged 18 and over will sit down with their local newspaper and play the word game.

With over 400 million crosswords printed in newspapers each year, it’s no surprise that this challenging word game is enjoyed by people of all ages.

Deciphering clues to place words across and down, the final product of completing the entire puzzle will have you screaming for joy (or at least quietly smiling at your accomplishment).

Read on to find out 8 things you probably didn’t know about crossword puzzles and how they can make your brain sharper than ever!

8 Crossword Puzzle Facts You Probably didn’t Know

  1. Crossword puzzles are found in newspapers all over the world. Out of every 10 newspapers printed, readers will find 9 of the newspapers have crossword puzzles. This single variety of puzzle is more popular than any other types of puzzles in this printed format. And more sought after than most comic strips too.
  2. The unique challenge of a daily crossword makes us smarter! Even if you aren’t able to complete the entire word game, you will find that you learn new things about our world when you try solving a crossword puzzle. Crossword puzzles are great for anyone who loves a good brain challenge.
  3. The New York Times has the most famous crossword and it’s still popular today! It was first published in 1942 after its founder Samuel Sudler had an idea to print a daily newspaper that people could use as entertainment during their lunch break at work or school. While the New York Times has continued the tradition of publishing crosswords, it has some serious competition with the Los Angeles Times being highly regarded in today’s world too.
  4. Crossword Clubs are a big thing in Europe. It is a way to connect with other puzzle lovers and share the thrill of completing (and even playing) puzzles. The clubs have different events including a fun opportunity where players work together in pairs to complete the puzzle before the clock runs out. The crossword puzzle clubs are perfect for people who want to expand their knowledge and meet people who like the word game too.
  5. Crossword puzzles became very popular in the 1800s, but there is proof of crosswords being played in ancient Greece! Historians have offered an interesting look at the game, played differently than today’s rules, being part of society long ago.
  6. Crossword puzzles are divided into groups based on difficulty: Easy, Medium and Hard (there is super hard too.) How this is determined is based on the clue difficulty and the size of the puzzle. The creator of the puzzle along with the editor will figure out the difficulty before it’s created. Then, the creator will set out to make a puzzle within the perimeters set for the puzzle.
  7. Digital puzzles have increased in popularity over 50% in the last 12 years. While many people prefer the paper and pencil way to play, younger more computer savvy players enjoy a good game on their cell phone or computer when they have free time.
  8. A person who creates or solves puzzles is called a cruciverbalist. Good luck in pronouncing that! We’d rather take our chances solving the next puzzle!

Crossword puzzles have been around for centuries and show no  sign of slowing down in popularity anytime soon!! Whether you’re a beginner or expert, there’s  always something new to learn about crossword puzzles. Keep playing and keep learning !!