A Christmas Bucket list printable is a great way to kick off the season! the holiday template we are offering is a free PDF for you to print and start enjoying the holiday season.

Putting this list together, I wanted to share ideas that were more traditionally part of the holidays. Yes, we all have our special family traditions which we cherish and love, but I was hoping to offer more. I wanted to have a short list for my family of things we see in the movies, hear about from other families and have always wanted to try.
There’s something about the holiday season that sparks creativity and inspiration in all of us. During this time of year, even your littlest family members seem to be bursting with new ideas, plans and creative concepts for how to have a jolly good time. But with so many different people and personalities combined into one home, things can get a little tricky trying to accommodate everyone’s needs and wants.
That’s why we’ve created a Christmas bucket list printable for you! Whether you have kids who are ready to embrace the magic of Santa or grandparents who are curious about all things new, we have some great tips for making this holiday season one that you won’t soon forget.
Christmas Bucket List Printable Template
If there’s one thing we’ve learned from the holidays, it’s that everyone handles stress and pressure in different ways. Some people prefer to jump into their to-do list head first and others prefer to tackle things one at a time.
With that said, we’ve created a Christmas bucket list template that you can download, print and enjoy with traditional offerings of the season shared. If you’re the kind of person who prefers to check things off of a list or even make your own version of a Christmas bucket list, this is something that you’ll definitely want to have.
The kids will get excited about the fun you can have following (even loosely) the Plus, once you’ve completed all of your tasks, you can cross them off and have a great visual reminder of everything you’ve done during this wonderful time of year.
Cozy Up with the Family
If you have a younger family, this is the perfect time to really let them know how much you love them. Spend as much time with them as possible, especially on those days when the weather outside is frightful.
This is also a great time to introduce the older members of your family to the little ones, if you haven’t already. You can do everything from baking cookies together to playing indoor games. These are the times that you’ll want to cherish, so make sure that you’re not spending the entire time cleaning or running around trying to check things off of your to-do list. Instead, set aside time to just be with your family members and enjoy the moment.
If you have extended family members who live nearby, this is a great time to bring everyone together. Whether you host a Christmas Eve dinner or a gift-giving session, these are the kinds of traditions that everyone will appreciate and remember for years to come.
Organize Holiday Family Fun
If you have kids who are ready to embrace the magic of Santa Claus, begin setting up traditions that will have them excited about Christmas from the moment the weather starts to cool down. For example, if you have a fireplace, consider having Santa’s elves come down the chimney to drop off presents for your kids. If you have outdoor space, you can even set up a Christmas tree outside. If you have teens or grown children, consider hosting a Christmas party or gift exchange.
This is a great way to bring the whole family together again, and it’s a tradition that you can continue every year. You can also host a family game night or put together a Christmas puzzle as another great way to bring everyone together.
Plan A Few Special Christmas Nights
If you have a special someone in your life, there’s no better time to go all out than the holidays. Host a special Christmas Eve or Christmas Day dinner, or even spend an entire day doing something special together.
If you have younger kids, consider taking them to see a special holiday-themed play or visiting a museum that has special activities or events hosted during this time of year. If you have teens or young adults in your home, consider planning a Christmas party or event. This is a great way to bring the family together, and it’s something that your kids will appreciate, even if they’re older.
Take A Breather From the Seasonal Chaos
Not everything during the holidays has to be about gifts, parties and cookies. If you find yourself feeling stressed out or like you’re running around in circles trying to get everything done, it’s time to take a break from it all.
Take some time to do something special for yourself, whether that means taking a long bath or relaxing in front of the fireplace. It’s important to take some time to recharge your batteries throughout the year, so it’s even more important to do so during the holidays.
If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, take a step back and evaluate your situation. Try setting some boundaries with family members and sticking to them. You can also try to put some of your plans on hold until you feel more in control of your life again.
The holidays are a wonderful time of year, but they can also be very stressful if you don’t have a plan in place. If you follow this Christmas bucket list template, you’ll have a lighthearted plan for family fun during the holiday season. Of course, you could add to this fun printable as you think of more wonderful things to do this during the December holidays. Plus, following this Christmas bucket list printable will help you enjoy the holiday season more and make it easier to breeze through the chaos.
Click the red button above to download your printable PDF. No strings. No Requirements. Just print and enjoy! Happy holidays!!